I could have found a more flattering picture of David but this one sums him up!
During the refurbishment, he never stopped - always up early calcuating the figures & then out with the boys on the job - organising, coordinating, instructing, getting stuck in, shouting & of course joking.
Over the last year, David has continued to work hard - forgetting at times that he is not as young as he used to be. Due to stress, pressure & an unrelenting ability to always push himself that little bit harder & faster - something had to give. Thankfully for his family, friends, work mates & himself, the recent reality check that could have been life threatening, has hopefully now pushed him to slow down.
David should be out of hospital soon - with medication & strong words to take it easy! Anyone who knows David will be reading this & thinking...'he'll never slow down' OR 'you're a brave one to tell him what to do'! Well, I think David of all people now realises that life is for living & we need him around to keep us all in check...& me in cheque book!
Love you Dad - now enough of the sentimental stuff - get better & get yourself back up here where you belong as we are all missing you!
Hi to every one
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for all the e mails, the RVI Newcastle sadly has no wireless in the wards so please accept this Blog Reply.
I would like to take this oppportunity to thank Geraldine my wife for al the TLC, Alison for traveling down to Nottingham, Caroline and Rohaise for visiting me in Newcastle.
I must also thank the staff in the Cardiac ward in the RVI.
Joe and Alison who are both Registrars, Joe in Neurology and Alison in Pedaediatrics were great keeping us in touch with what was going on.
It goes without saying the writer of the Blog Caroline and the team have done a fantastic job keeping the Lovat firing on all Cylinders Many thanks & I can not wait to see the improvements.