Monday 22 September 2008

Lovat Girls Soak Up Success

Friday, 19th September 2008, saw the Lovat Girls enjoy their environmental success at the SCDI event held at the Newton Hotel in Nairn.
The occasion was a chance to dress up, relax & enjoy each others company whilst also being recognised by the industry for all our efforts in trying to reduce our environmental impact.
The award was warmly presented by James Smith, Chairman of Shell UK & his insighful speech captured all of our attention. To follow the meal & bottles of wine, we were entertained by the Dead Ringers comedian actor, Jon Culshaw - what a laugh!
Thankfully there was no acceptance speech required but it was made known to our hosting table, Envirowse, the extent of our gratitude at being offered such prestigious recognition.

1 comment:

  1. How come you never wore that sexy black dress when we stayed at the Lovat Arms?


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