...of tourism.
It is all to easy to sit back & say nothing...maybe you can't be bothered; maybe you don't actually care; maybe there is no-one to talk to; or maybe you are just fed up saying the same old sentences on the same old topics to the same 'old' people (obviously not wanting to categorise any age groups here).
It is all to easy to sit back & be complacent to expect business to come knocking on your door & to expect that phone to keep ringing but reality isn't so kind & if you haven't already had a sharp prod to realise that you actually need to work at business to make it work for you, your industry & dare I sound a little American here, & your country - then you seriously need to take your clothes off & step outside into this bitter, dreich night (or maybe that is how you are getting the business?)...to wake the *#?! up.
What I am getting at is...things are going to change & like it or not, things are going to have to change...sustainability is a word here to stay.
Attending a 'think tank' - I thought it quite apt to scribble down:
Sustainability v Selfishness
Sustainability - a word that scares most people because it has 6 syllables but honestly - it is just another word for, say, 'survival'. There, that's 3 syllables - can you swallow that?
Sustainability is not only about the environment - it is about competition, community, Scotland, You, Me, profit, quality, protection + other aspects of business development. Sustainability is your business plan - it is your way forward & ours.
I could go on but am losing my thought, sustainability ironically getting the better of me - just have your say & make a difference here.